How Parents Can Amplify their Child’s Success in JEE?

How Parents Can Amplify their Child’s Success in JEE?

As parents, it is important to understand that the transition from class 10 to 11, along with the requirements of preparing for a competitive exam like the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), can be a drastic change for both the child and their parents. This is a challenging time for both, as it requires a significant amount of time, effort, and dedication. To navigate in this demanding situation, it is important for parents to give their child enough space to adjust and cope. This includes providing emotional support, being understanding of a child's stress and pressure.

As experts in education, we are not necessarily experts in parent-child relationships, but through our experience in parent-teacher meetings and other communications, we have observed that transparency between parents and students is a key factor in the student's success in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE).

Almost every successful student has a healthy and transparent relationship with their parents, it is often reflected in their body language. They have trust and understanding which works even without verbal communication. This leads to clarity and coherence in goal, belief in the process, endurance, greater responsibility and self improvement for children with good relationships with their parents.

On the other hand, when there is a lack of transparency between parents and students. There is often arrogance or ignorance towards each other and lack of respect for each other's space. They tend to switch processes in between and always blame outside factors for their lack of success which results in inconsistency in the student's progress.

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a highly competitive exam, and there are huge academic expectations from coaching and schools. This can make the task of being a parent even trickier, as a child cannot find a support system better than their parent. It's important to have regular conversations with your child about their progress and their goals. Your child should not look at you as another teacher or manager, but as someone who will listen to them in any circumstances, who will not judge them, and who will support them through the journey. It's important to have a bird's eye view of the situation.

You know your child better than anyone else and this is your strength. As parents, you are your child's greatest well-wisher and believer. You have invested a lot of time, effort and money in your child's education, and a lot is on stake. It's important to be realistic and understanding of your child's situation, and encourage them to do their best, and support them in their efforts.

While the responsibility of a child's success in JEE is not solely on the shoulders of the parents, a good parent-child relationship is a must.

Coaches are the equal stakeholders, they can be an effective channel to know more about your child and to help them during these years. They can help to create a supportive and nurturing learning environment for the student. Be in touch with the coach of your child, don't wait for test results and take their feedback positively. However for all this coach should know your child well, not merely as another roll number in a huge group of students.

Is MHCET Really Easier than JEE Mains?

Is MHCET Really Easier than JEE Mains?

It is a common perception among students and parents that the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHCET) is easier than the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains and Advanced. This is often due to the belief that MHCET has no negative marking and is based on the Maharashtra board syllabus with less focus on the chapters of Class 11th. On the other hand, JEE Mains has negative marking and is based on NCERT syllabus with both Class 11th and 12th syllabus.

However, this perception is required to be given second thought. The combined syllabus of Classes 11th and 12th across all three major boards in Maharashtra - CBSE/ICSE and State Board - is the same. Furthermore, the syllabus of Class 12th in the state board is more comprehensive and includes the advanced chapters of Class 11th of the other two boards, making it heavier than Class 12th in CBSE and ICSE.

Additionally, the pattern of the exam cannot be a valid point to judge its difficulty, as it is the same for all aspirants, neutralizing the advantage of no negative marking for everyone.

This is reflected in the results of the two exams. For example, to secure a seat in COEP Pune for computer science and engineering in 2022 in the general category, a student was required to have a 99.98 percentile, which translates to around 170 marks out of 200. On the other hand, to secure a seat in computer science and engineering at NIT Nagpur, a score of around 220 marks out of 300 was required, which roughly translates to a 99.5 percentile. JEE Mains, allows for 275% more buffer in terms of marks in comparison to MHCET for similar options, also JEE consists exactly half the number of questions as MHCET, which requires solving 150 questions in 3 hours.

Additionally, 60-70% of JEE Mains questions are based on Class 12th CBSE syllabus, making it a door opener for colleges across India and not just in Maharashtra. On a larger scale, there are around 3000 seats in all government colleges across all streams that take admissions through MHCET in Maharashtra and 100000 students compete for these seats, which translates to 3 seats per 100 students.

On the other hand, there are around 35000 seats in all government engineering colleges across India for which 1000000 students compete, translating to 3.5 seats per 100 students. So seat per aspirant is almost the same in both the exams.

Note that this does not include the additional 13500 seats across IITs.

In conclusion, it is crucial for students to make an informed decision and plan their crucial 2 years of 11th and 12th accordingly. While MHCET may seem easier on the surface, it is important to take a closer look at the details before drawing conclusions. Also, we can't stop an aspirant from Maharashtra seriously preparing for JEE Mains to write MHCET, so by only focusing on MHCET we are just reducing our chances not the competition.

What really makes JEE preparation difficult?

What really makes JEE preparation difficult?

If you go to any JEE coaching classes and ask them if they cover the syllabus for boards, their answer will be affirmative. However, the challenge lies in the difference of course flow in school and coaching and the shift in expectations from school.

In India, teaching in class 11th starts in June and may start as late as September. The academic year lasts roughly 300 days, with around 130-150 days gone in holidays, tests, projects, and other school functions, leaving only 170 days for teaching a subject. The weekly teaching hours for a subject in schools typically range from 4-5 hours, or 40-50 minutes per day, a teacher has only 145 hours to teach and discuss the entire class 11th syllabus for a subject. On the other hand, coaching classes provide at least 260 hours of instruction in the same period for a subject.

Still genuine coaching cannot match the school's pace for class 11th, as they cannot proceed without in depth discussion and require a variety of questions, since they have to prepare students for exams they don't control.

Schools on the other hand are required and can declare the completion of syllabus under any circumstances by March, as they manage class 11th exams on their own. Even ignoring other challenges with schools. Schools across India are helpless in this regard, as logistics work in a way that makes it challenging for them to keep up with the demands of in depth learning.

Beside this, unfortunately, many students do not take their school classes seriously, as they believe that their JEE preparation will take care of it. While JEE preparation will help, the coaching  finishes complete syllabus for class 11th and 12th,well before the JEE Mains January attempt, so they need not to be worried about class 12th boards however when it comes to class 11th  school exam, be it regular or dummy school, only school teacher's notes and instructions are the way to follow.

Secondly, when a student decides to prepare for competitive exams, their and school's priorities are no longer the same, as only a good class 12th mark sheet is expected by school, however up to class 10th, schools are the masters of students and parents. School decides the path and parents and students have to only follow the instructions. This shift can be confusing for students and their parents, as they are not used to thinking beyond school.

By the time students reach class 12th, the damage has often already been done, students are shattered by all kind of doubts and confusion hence you will see most of the drop out cases after class 11th half-yearly exam, annual exam and most of such cases will propose that, school exams, JEE Mains and JEE Advanced are three different paths, which is far from reality.

Rarely, anyone admits giving up, however it can be sensed by our near ones through our dropped interest and excitement. Every year several deserving candidates lose hope due to poor guidance and unrealistic expectations in terms of school marks.

Hence, it is important for parents to be aware of the real challenges and should consult their child's coach and take necessary action if they sense that their child is struggling, rather than waiting for their child to admit giving up.

However, the factory model of education, with its lack of personalized mentoring or guidance, erases any scope of timely intervention. Timely and required intervention is possible only when mentors know your child as a person, not merely as another roll number.

Confession of A JEE Coach

Confession of A JEE Coach

I am a JEE coach, and sometimes, it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I see the fear and anxiety in the eyes of my aspirants, and it breaks my heart. They are so young, so full of potential, and yet, they are reduced to mere numbers, a means to an end. It is hard not to get emotional when I think of the pressure they are facing, and the toll it is taking on their mental and emotional wellbeing.

I wish I could tell them that they are more than just their marks, that their worth as human beings is not defined by their scores. I wish I could hold them close and tell them that they are loved and valued for who they are, not for what they can achieve.

But the reality is that I am bound by a system that places all its emphasis on academic success. I am pushed to push them towards a narrow view of academics and life, to encourage them to take the safe route, to prioritize their marks over their passions. I worry that I am making them excellent analysts, but not excellent experimenters. For life is all about taking chances, and exploring the unknown and it tears me apart inside.

I see their struggles, their fears, their tears, and I want to do more to help them. I want to lift the burden from their shoulders, to give them the space and freedom to explore their own paths, to make their own mistakes, to learn from them.

But all I can do is try my best. To be there for them, to encourage them, to support them, to infuse in them the values of hard work, learning from mistakes, and perseverance. To remind them that success is not just about the destination, but also about the journey.

Sometimes, I feel like giving up, like the weight of their struggles is too much to bear. But then, I think of the satisfaction of knowing that at least I am trying. That even in the midst of this rat race, I am instilling in them the values that will help them become better human beings.

So I keep going. I keep pushing them to be their best selves, to dream big, to take chances. And even though it's hard, even though it makes me emotional, I know that it is worth it. For if I can make even a small difference in their lives, if I can help them become resilient, empathetic, and determined, then I know that I have done my job well.

Guiding Your Child’s JEE Journey: Nurturing Certainty and Balance

Guiding Your Child’s JEE Journey: Nurturing Certainty and Balance


As parents, you play an instrumental role in shaping your child's future, and decisions regarding their education require thoughtful guidance. The prospect of beginning Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) preparation in class 8 can be both promising and challenging. This article aims to provide parents with insights into fostering certainty, commitment, and balance while supporting their child's journey towards JEE success.

The Importance of Certainty

Starting JEE preparation in class 8 is a significant decision that warrants clarity and conviction. It's essential that your child is absolutely certain about pursuing engineering as a career path. Encourage open conversations about their aspirations, helping them discern whether engineering aligns with their genuine passions. If doubts persist, consider postponing the initiation for a year to allow time for informed decision-making.

The Role of Consistent Effort

JEE preparation is not a short sprint; it's a marathon that requires unwavering dedication. To succeed, your child must commit to dedicating a minimum of 10 hours per week to JEE-focused studies, in addition to their regular academic responsibilities. Consistency is key, and it's crucial to instil in them the understanding that sustained effort over time will yield better results than sporadic bursts of studying.

Foundation Courses: A Double-Edged Sword

While foundation courses for JEE might seem like a logical choice, it's important to approach them cautiously. Enrolling your child without a clear sense of purpose can backfire. These courses might not align with their learning style or pace, leading to frustration and disillusionment. Ensure your child's heart is truly set on the engineering path before embarking on such courses.

The Significance of First Impressions

The initial experiences in JEE preparation can greatly impact your child's attitude towards the journey. If they aren't certain about engineering, the classes might appear tedious or challenging, which can lead to a negative first impression. This early disillusionment could result in repulsion towards the entire process, causing them to miss out on valuable opportunities.

Avoiding the Rat Race

Amid the competitive atmosphere surrounding JEE preparation, it's vital to remind your child not to succumb to the rat race. The decision to start early should stem from their passion, not external pressures or the desire to outdo others. Help them understand that true success lies in pursuing their ambitions wholeheartedly rather than conforming to societal expectations.

Striking a Balance

Juggling JEE preparation with other aspects of life is essential for your child's overall well-being. Encourage them to maintain a balanced routine that includes hobbies, social interactions, and relaxation. A harmonious approach prevents burnout and ensures a healthy perspective on their journey.


Guiding your child's journey towards JEE success in class 8 requires a delicate balance of encouragement, clarity, and patience. Prioritize their certainty about engineering, emphasize consistent effort, and caution against hasty decisions driven by the rat race. Your unwavering support and guidance will empower them to embark on the path towards JEE achievement with determination and purpose. By fostering their commitment and helping them navigate wisely, you contribute significantly to their future success and well-being.




JEE Insights: Where do I Stand?

JEE Insights: Where do I Stand?

Every year, I deal with students and parents who aspire to crack the coveted JEE. In my experience, we have seen two types of students clear an exam like JEE –
1. The prodigies or super intelligent ones (I wasn’t one of them)

2. The decently intelligent ones that persevere and work hard to level up (I belonged to this level, that’s why I relate more with students in this category)

One cannot deny that a base level of intelligence is necessary to clear JEE. This intelligence can be honed/built during foundation years. If a student hasn’t developed this by the time he/she is in the 11th standard, it becomes difficult for them to cope with the intensity of the preparation. For such students, the approach should be to “Level up” and not necessarily clear JEE. 

I didn’t say anywhere that the student should start preparing for JEE from 8th std. IT IS NOT NEEDED. Intelligence and logical ability can be improved in ways that build interest in science and math and not just cover JEE topics for the sake of it. As for me, I was curious about solving puzzles when I was that age. I enjoyed learning beyond textbooks and solving questions (particularly math), challenging myself. And that gave me the confidence to prepare for competitive exams like NTSE at the 10th level. Clearing the state and national level stages of NTSE gave me a boost of confidence for preparing for JEE.
One can argue with the age-old adage, “those who put in the hard work and persevere win at the end” – however, we must realize that clearing JEE comes with a timeline and limited attempts now. I know of a student in my batch at IIT Bombay who had cleared JEE in the fourth attempt to get into an IIT – while during that time, he would have finished his engineering in some other college! It doesn’t work like that now. Besides, the number of career options that students have now is many times what I had back then. In my experience, a student wanting to improve logical ability while preparing for JEE in 11th/12th std finds it extremely difficult to cope with the pace and vastness of the syllabus.
The key here is for the parents to be aware of where their child stands and choose a coaching class that understands their child instead of pushing every child in a herd. The parents should focus on “Level up” and help build character traits like discipline and consistency in their child. This will ensure building confidence of the student no matter what college they join in the future.

If you want to understand where your child stands and want to get authentic guidance, call us and fix an appointment.

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