Stuck With Backlogs? Here Are 5 Ways To Navigate Through Them

Stuck With Backlogs? Here Are 5 Ways To Navigate Through Them

Stuck With Backlogs? Here Are 5 Ways To Navigate Through Them

If you’re looking to crack JEE/NEET this year, you are probably juggling between pre-boards, school work, and tons of coaching homework every day. Hours and hours of study at times may not be enough, and you may end up having backlogs. 

It can seem challenging to strike the right balance between coaching, school, and self-study time, but only if you don’t do effective time management. 

What Exactly are Backlogs?

Either you ended up sleeping or watching movies for a little while extra this week, but it’s the weekend. Now you have to study those 5 Physics lessons, revise for the upcoming biology test, and prepare for your Chemistry practical exams. That’s essentially what backlogs are - when you have too much work backed up and little time to finish it.

Procrastination and not taking the syllabus seriously are some popular reasons why you end up having backlogs. 

Once you start accumulating backlogs, it can be challenging to get out of the rut. But all is not lost. Proper planning and implementation can help you clear backlogs even when you are cramped with too much work.

Methods to Clear Backlogs

To help you manage the burden of backlogs, here are some tried and tested methods.

It’s essential to understand that while these methods are effective, they aren’t by any means a shortcut to clearing backlogs. You have to be wholly committed to your ultimate goal of getting that prized seat in the best engineering or medical college in the country for these to work best. 

  • Plan a Schedule

You can’t think of achieving long term goals without setting shorter ones. Preparing a schedule for your backlogs should be your first step to clear it. Make a well-thought, realistic schedule that you can stick to. Even removing the backlogs trickle by trickle would make them vanish quickly.

Make a daily and weekly schedule and strictly stick to it. Determine the chapters you need to study and the time it will take to clear each. Divide the time duration to complete chapters into weeks and then create smaller goals for each section.

  • Divide your Days

Invest 2 to 3 hours every day to clear your backlogs. You should make sure that this time should be exclusive of your regular study time. You can’t afford to miss out on current lessons while clearing backlogs. So make sure to set up extra time devoted, especially towards pending lessons and homework.

  • Stay up to date with the rest of the class

Always try to study the chapters that are being taught in class in real-time. If you have backlogs and you’re still stuck in the Thermodynamics chapter while the course has advanced to Organic Chemistry, you’ll get stuck in the loop of backlogs.

Instead, invest a separate hour for studying the pending chapter while you revise and complete the current chapter after class. That will also ensure you’ll clear your doubts and understand the concepts while the chapter is still being taught. 

  • Study to gain knowledge rather than clearing exams

You must complete your chapters but not by the number of questions and exercises but by understanding the concepts. If you understand the concept clearly and invest a bit less time doing the exercises, that will be more beneficial. 

It will also save time as you won’t be wasting your time memorizing problems yet be able to solve most of them. JEE and NEET exams are all about throwing new challenges in front of you and testing how you pass. That will only happen when you understand the concepts rather than learning definitions and formulas.

  • Take one lesson at a time

Of course, you already know you should study one chapter at a time. But when you are struggling with backlogs, you may find it hard to concentrate on just one chapter. You may be wondering where to start apart from what you’re already learning. 

Start from any of your favorite chapters and understand the concepts. 

It will be of no use if you do two chapters at a time just for the sake of it and keep ignoring challenging questions and problems. You should also be able to relate different chapters using cross-references, which will help you grasp things quicker.

Apart from these methods, it’s essential for you to meditate to keep your mind clear and focused. Also, don’t become a zombie by never playing out or ditching your social life altogether. 

Above all, don’t let a few backlogs make you doubt your potential. With the right aim and focus, you can clear every pending chapter and manage to score well on your upcoming JEE/NEET exam.

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    Do I Need To Sacrifice My Hobbies And Friends To Be Successful In JEE?

    Do I Need To Sacrifice My Hobbies And Friends To Be Successful In JEE?

    Do I Need To Sacrifice My Hobbies And Friends To Be Successful In JEE?

    Have you just started preparing for the JEE and are sunk deep in school and coaching studies? With so much work burdening you all day, you might think about sacrificing your friends and hobbies.

    But beware before you do that! 

    Do you know that friends and hobbies can aid your JEE preparation in wonderful ways? Read on to find out how!

    Why Interacting with Friends Helps During Preparation?

    If you have been performing poorly in recent coaching tests and a lot of syllabi is left to cover, you might be feeling anxious.

    Talking to friends in such times will certainly keep your spirits high. 

    Most probably, your friends are also engaged in competitive exam preparations themselves and will understand your situation the best. If you have any friends who are also preparing for JEE, you guys can help each other out with questions and concepts. Even a silly mistake on the last Physics test can be easy to overcome if you have someone to share a laugh with. 

    When you have to study all night and feel low, they will be the ones to pick you back up and push you to do your best in the next test. 

    Always remember that your friends are your true support system - people you can lean on as you study hard for the exam. Your real friends will uplift and encourage you after every bad performance. 

    Hobbies Break the Monotony

    Consistency is the most critical factor in JEE preparation. With consistency comes monotony. And hobbies are a great way to get rid of that monotony. 

    A few hours of your favorite hobby can refresh your mind and improve your focus when you study. Moreover, you will develop a confident personality and valuable skills for life.

    So How do You Find the Right Balance?

    You should understand that there is a need for effective time management when you are a JEE aspirant. But, complete disconnection from friends and hobbies isn’t the way to achieve it.

    Instead of disconnecting from friends, divide your time such that you and your peers focus on both studies and having fun.

    Nothing wastes your time more than scrolling mindlessly on Facebook or Instagram. 5 minutes of scrolling can soon transform into an hour of chatting. So instead of avoiding friends and hobbies, avoid social media.

    Remember, a good peer group will always help you grow and excel, whether it’s in an exam like JEE or any other sphere in life. And doing the things you love in leisure times is what will always rejuvenate you. 

    So don’t think about sacrificing either of those while you’re engrossed in JEE preparation. Instead, use them as a positive stimulus to do even better in the exam.


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